Saturday, April 25, 2009

Andrea needs mommy time...

Andrea has been acting out lately. I think she wants more mommy time so today I have been trying to give her more attention and activities with just she and I. So far today we have played Barbie in her room, planted sunflower and marigold seeds, and baked a cake for Chris's birthday tomorrow. When Ahleah wakes we will head to Kayli's house for a play date and the girls can bounce and enjoy to 85 degree weather. Then we will head to the store and buy a pool for the backyard and hopefully a birthday present for Chris. We have no idea what to get him! I guess we will have to use our imaginations and see what we can come up with.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today I heard such a vast array of words from Ahleah's mouth. She loves to say 'mommy' over and over agian and for me it is like someone is singing the sweetest word ever.

Andrea and Ahleah played so well today. Andrea is learning to share more with her sister and to expect that she will knock her toys over. Ahleah wants to play with Andrea so much. She tries to mimick her.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mommy vs. Puppy

So all day from sun up to sun down Ahleah has called me puppy instead of Mommy. I know that she can say mommy. She just wont today. Andrea thinks that it is so funny each time I correct her and say no my name is mommy. I love to listen to Andrea laugh. It is contagous and makes me laugh even when i want to be serious.

No one ever told me that being a mommy would have so many trials and wonderful rewards.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


So I finally heard Ahleah say mommy. She has always called me momma and today I heard her say mommy. I think she knew iIlove it as I scooped her up and hugged her. I love the way my children have changes what they call me. I began as ma then became mama then she learned more and I have been momma and finally a mommy. WooHoo!!!

I still remember when Andrea called me mama. I miss it and yet I love being her mom. and on occasion her momma again! She laughed her crazy giggle laugh when Ahleah called me mommy. Apparently Ahleah calls me mommy when I am not around.

Monday, April 13, 2009

tooth #7

We finally have a 7th tooth! I am so excited and scared that she has seven little teeth. Her teeth looked so crooked when they first came in and as she has gotten more they are now looking straight. I really hope that all of out chilred get the pirfect placement of my teeth! I hope that more are coming but that they manage to come in painlessly. I feel so badly when they hurt her.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


My chilren had the most fantastic Easter ever! My mother went overboard of course and the girls have way too much candy. Ahleah has the sweetest tooth ever. She loves to eat chocolate and ever other piece of candy she can get her hands on.

Andrea was so sharing with the easter eggs that she collected while at my parents house and loved the little gifts that she recieved. Ahleah and Andrea both loved seeing their cousin Kyla and playing with her. We had a fabulous easter picture of the three of them taken. It was chaos of course each girl wanted to go her own way. They are all so beautiful that it is difficult to take a bad picture!

When we returned home the easter bunny had delevered eggs all over our front lawn. Both girls were very excited and had to collect the eggs in a mad dash even though no one alse was collecting them. The eggs that were left on our lawn were filled with gold fish and small toys or stickers and stamps. They were a huge hit. And the girls also had easter baskets that the bunny had left in our back yard. They loves the trinkets that were in them and had so much fun playing in the backyard. This was our first day of play in the back yard. The weather was sunny but cool. A pirfect spring day!