Saturday, November 14, 2009

All of Andrea's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Andrea! Andrea is loving her fancy cake and princess decorations!

Andrea with her cousin Kyla and Ahleah eating her birthday lunch.

Here is the birthday girl in her party dress!!

With the presents!
Ahleah happy to celebrate Andrea's special day!

Andrea's Birthday began with a family party at our home. Her Nana, Pappy, Aunt Tammy, Uncle Andy, Aunt Katie, Uncle Dave, Aunt Jessie and Cousin Kyla came. Andrea had the best time! She loved her tea party theme and her tiered princess cake. She loved her gifts but most of all enjoyed her family time!
Andrea opening her presents!
Here she is petting the pony. Chris took the camera when he left so I did not get any pictures of her on the pony.
Here is Andrea with her cupcakes!
Here is our poor attempt of a group picture.
Andrea and the half eaten cupcake....
Andrea and Gavin on the hayride. Too cute!
The Barn Party! Andrea had a great mix of friends at her barn party. She invited several girls who used to go to her daycare but have graduated into kindergarten. She also invited several friends from her current daycare class and our neighborhood. The kids loved the open space,the pony ride, hay ride, pipe slide and hay maze. They also spent alot of time petting the pigs, sheep, and bunnies. It was a chilly but very sunny day. Andrea loved this party and all of her wonderful friends for making the whole day so special.

Andrea also had a party at the barn for her friends. She invited many friends from school who have already turned 5 and are in kindergarten. Andrea loved seeing them and also running like a nut to see all of the animals have a tractor ride and her very favorite part....Riding the pony!!