Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Slushy Walk!

So almost everyday Andrea askes if we can go on a slushy walk. We like to save these special walks for the weekends. Andrea and Ahleah both love slushies. Here are some pictures to show their love of the slushies.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I 'm going NUTS!

I feel as if i am going completely NUTS! I am taking another graduate class! and teaching summer school which has more hours than a regular school day. I also badly sprained my back on Thursday. I was squatting to get my girls a drink of water from the water cooler at their daycare. and I spilled the water. When I began to stand up I had a horrible pain all accross my lower back. I pick up my girls and go right home and the I called Dr. Ed. I secretly love this man! He stayed late at his office so that I may come in to be adjusted. I did feel better after my visit but my back is still so very sore and really hurts when I bend. I hope to recover quickly Saturday Chris is working and It will be a very long day of chasing after the girls when you can hardly bend. Wish me Luck!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Beach Pictures!!

Ahleah and Mommy


Happy girl!

Loved the Beach!

Ahleah with her nunny and the sunscrean

Tammy and Robin!

Chris and I!

Beach Babe!

My Girls!

Chris and Andrea!

So Cute!

Beautiful Smile!

The princess on her sand castle.

Daddy and Andrea playing in the sand.

Horses at Assategue.

My Parents...still in love

My neice Kyla.


Andrea, Tammy and Robin.

Chris with Ahleah and Kyla.

Happy Independence Day!

We had a fabulous 4th. It felt like a Sunday even though it was Saturday. It was a treat to have Chris home all day with us. We are still in clean up mode from the beach.

Chris got several fireworks to set off with Andrea in celebration. She is such an amazing girl. She loved every moment of the fireworks that were displayed in Wrightsville and cheered "Go Daddy Go" when Chris was setting off fireworks after the show. Andrea loved the snappers and I think she used 4 boxes last evening.

Ahleah has had a difficult time going to sleep since we have returned home. I believe that she was having a difficult on the 4th due to the loud booming of the fireworks. She cries and screams. She really wants to be held until she falls asleep. So now at 16 months we are beginning to have her cry it out. It breaks my heart.

The Beach Continued...

The more I think about our trip to the beach the fonder my memories become. I really feel that this trip may be our best trip yet. The girls were wonderful and enjoyed every moment of our vacation. I hope that it sets the pace for the rest of summer.

Andrea continues to talk about how much fun she had. She liked going into the water. Giggled at the horses we passed and loved playing in the sand. Those are her words. I am so happy that she has such wonderful memories. Andrea has also been talking about her Nana, Pappy, Aunt Tammy and Robin. She loved their company. She has also been loving the time she has with her cousin Kyla she calls her "little" which is what her Uncle Dave calls her. Andrea and her Aunt Jessie also bonded over collecting seashells and Andrea keep telling me that she must save them for her.

Ahleah although too small to talk about her grand time in words has shown me her love of the beach in many ways. She brings me seashells and will carry them around in a bucket. I have stepped on several as she also leaves a trail. She has also become a master at finding things from our travels. Today, she brought me sunscreen and also some sandy fingers. Ahleah does not like to have sand on her sands. Everywhere alse is her shoes, down her diaper, just not her hands. She was happy again once we rinsed the sand off of her sweet fingers.

I so wish we had more time to spend more time at the beach. I am dreading returning to work tomorrow.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Beach

We just returned home from a week at the beach. The girls had a great time! Both really enjoyed the sand and the water!

Andrea was all over the place. She loved to dig and make castles in the sand and also asked to go into the water with us several times. She still doesn't like to have the water splash her face. Andrea got a little bit of sun mostly on her legs and her freckles are great. She is truly a beach babe!

Ahleah was very hesitant on our first day. She would not even let me set her down. Thanks to the help of her pappy and some soda she slowly began to walk in the sand. Then she began to follow me in the sand and wander into the water. By Friday she was running all over the place from the water to under the umbrella. She seems to have no fear of anything and we really have to keep our eyes on her. She does not like to touch sand. It is really comical to watch her stand up without touching the sand.

My niece Kyla was also at the beach for 1/2 of the week and she is a beach pro. She loves all parts of the sand and water. She digs and plays like it is her passion. I think she gets this from her mom my sister in law Jessica. Who has declared that she wishes she was a mermaid and would love to spent more time at the beach. My brother Dave claims he does not like the beach but really seems to enjoy himself once there.

While in Ocean City we also travel to Assategue Island. We all loved it there. The sand was soft and the beach was very flat. Both of the girls really enjoyed the sand and the water there. The waves were a little rougher but overall the beach was nicer and easier for the girls to play on. We also saw several wild horses on the island. Not on the beach but there were three walking on the road when we arrived on Thursday and also several in the distance on both Tuesday and Thursday. The horses were very beautiful and Andrea loved seeing them as did Chris and I. We would love to visit the island again we all had tons on fun there.

I know that I am forgetting several details that I should include in this blog but it is late so this one is....TO BE CONTINUED