Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

We had a great saturday and sunday with my parents. They came to visit us for the holiday so that we wouldn't have try and drive with Chris and his very sore leg. On saturday they were kids enough to help me take the girls to have their pictures taken. The girls were great for the pictures and they were so hard to choose from. Today, sunday they helped me to unload and take all the way up to the attic all of our camping gear from our trip to Reeds Gap.
I love watching my parents interact and play with my girls! My dad and Ahleah flirt back and forth all through dinner and she even says "Pappy's Girl" and Andrea is loving playing with her nana. She constantly is asking her nana to go to her room and play.
They left this afternoon and it seemed like the minute they left I was instantly bored. Chris and i took the girls for a slushy walk and the girls and I played in the backyard for the remainder of the evening. Andrea and I played soccer with a beach ball and Ahleah loves to be pushed in the swing higher than any child I have ever seen. She shouts "higher" when ever she begins to slow down.
I forgot to take pictures!! Blah!

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