Sunday, December 7, 2008

Almost Christmas!

Yesterday I took Andrea and Ahleah to the santa's workshop at the bass pro shop with Courtney Gavin and Chloe. Andrea and Gavin were so very cute as the ran around together like best friends. They both were excited to see santa and ask for the toy they dream of for christmas. Ahleah and Chloe are both such easy going kids. The stroller were rolling and they were happy. Ahleah as always doesn't like the stroller and wants to be carried. So I always feel so silly haveing a huge sit n stand stroller with no children in it!

Today was so busy! Andrea and Ahleah had their school christmas program. I love that there is a school christmas program. Each year they sing new songs and each year I think Andrea gets better. We as usual were late. Chris and I could not agree on the starting time of the program and Ahleah at the last minute spit-up on her dress and had to be changed. Ahleah hates to have her clothes changed.

I cannot believe that christmas is less than three weeks away! I have so much to get done!

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